Editorial: Issue 28.2-3

In this issue, we present a potpourri of articles which cover a broad range of dreaming and alternate states experience. It feels—now that it’s complete and ready for you—much like my own dreaming as of late. I’ve been a frequent flyer, I've met with Barack Obama in a casual environment, where I had the opportunity to take his face in my hands, look him straight in the eyes and offer strong encouragement and appreciation for the incredible work he and his administration are doing, of seeing an eagle-size hummingbird flying around our yard, talking to me! I wonder ‘What’s the Buzz? I’ve dreamt up troubling issues that have apparently not yet been fully resolved, like last night, dreaming I am still engaged in the struggle to purchase land, a battle my neighbors and I lost 3 years ago, etc. Dreaming is prolific and multileveled at this fruitful time for me. I am so grateful.

Likewise, this issue. Orna Ben-Shoshan, creator of the extraordinary art which you all enjoyed and applauded in our Spring issue, generously shares more of her artwork and — in her lead article — shares information about the many levels of consciousness/reality she accesses in creating her art. She shares information from the Mystical Kabbalah, from science and teaches ‘how to’ access alternate dimensions of reality and parallel worlds; (see pg. 10-12) Karen Rider takes us on an extensive visionary journey in The Parade; (pg. 17) Kellie Meisl and Connie Caldes allow us the honor of sharing two chapters from their newly published Dream Stories (pg. 22 & 24) and so much more! This issue is as varied, unlimited and deeply instructional as are our dreams.

In late June, my partner Michael and I had the privilege of attending the IASD conference in Chicago. Talk about varied! There was a workshop or event to satisfy every dreamer, regardless of their particular interest in this vast field. Dream artists, scientists, researchers, therapists, dreamworkers... all converging and co-mingling cooperatively. I haven’t attended an IASD conference since the mid-90’s, and then as a featured speaker. This year, I went deliberately as a learner and observer.

When I taught and worked for Peninsula College, I had a sign above my desk: “The more I know, the more I know I don’t know”. That attitude.

I can report that the folks who organized the event did an outstanding job; the content, stimulating! An experience well worth having my friends. You can here get acquainted with IASD’s new President, Robert Waggoner, who goes beyond lucid dreaming (pg. 28).

IASD is also sponsoring an online “Cyber-Dreaming” conference in late September. (see inside back cover for more information and your consideration)

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In the last editorial, I mentioned that we were considering going exclusively to online format and asked for input from you. We have published a sampling of the responses received in our ‘Letters’ column. (pgs.6,7) By far, the majority of you prefer to have the print publication in hand. Thanks to each of you who made significant contributions in exchange for gift subscriptions toward making this issue possible! Will each of you reading these words consider gifting Dream Network to interested friends, family, clients and/or dream group members for the upcoming Holiday Season? We will then rise above this “economic downturn” and continue in our work toward ‘Evolving a Dream Cherishing Culture’.