The Jungian-Senoi Approach to Dreamwork

Perhaps the most central contribution which the Jungian-Senoi Institute has made to the field of dreaming and dreamwork is developing a complete dreamwork methodology of interrelated techniques for using dreams in one's life.

The Benefits of Dreamwork

Through participation in individual work, groups, and classes, some dreamers have achieved remarkable and meaningful results. Our method of "Dream Re-entry" has been used successfully to end psychological and spiritual blocks to dreaming, and to create personality change. We have dealt with severe, recurrent nightmare states induced by war and rape trauma. There is even some indication that our intensive dreamwork processes may have an effect on ending cancer and influencing diseases.

We also emphasize, however, the ability of individuals to significantly change their lives, using our methodology. Our dreamwork practices are learnable and therefore can be used on one's own without necessarily needing the outside guidance of a therapist or dreamwork practitioner.

People working in the privacy of their own homes, using our Jungian-Senoi Dreamwork Manual, have been able to deal with unresolved feelings left over from major life crises and relationship breakups as these show up in dreams. Becoming realistically oriented in terms of oneself and one's relationships is a major benefit, paradoxically, of our symbolic approach. For students are able to achieve in many cases what they came for - to learn how to relate to an understand-ing of their own inner resources, and to apply the insights evolving out of the on--going dreamwork in directing their lives.

Artists and others in the creative fields have been able to move through blocks and connect with creative sources within the psyche. Every person has the potential to develop creativity regarding their lives and work, and this happens for many people using our approach.

Innovating An Approach

The Jungian-Senoi methodology takes key concepts and certain practices from both the psychology of C.G. Jung, and from the cultural achievements of the Senoi peoples of Malaysia, a dream-oriented culture as reported by Kilton Stewart.

These concepts include using dreams for individuation and wholeness (Jung) and the bringing of dream content into life through doing specific projects or "dream tasks" (Senoi), not as a manipulative act, but to further evoke the wholeness potential within the psyche.

We have also discovered innovative techniques of our own, such as "Objectifying Dreans", "Following the Dream Ego", and "Dream Re-entry". Our basic dream group form involves meditation, ritual, journalwork, dream sharing and process, and dream vision quests.

A third major influence for developing the Jungian-Senoi approach has been the dreamwork of students themselves. Much of the methodology has come directly out of the work done in dream groups. The Institute's focus is primarily on research and development From experience and not from books. The results have been a methodology usable by the general public at many levels.

Since 1977 the Jungian-Senoi Institute under the direction of Strephon Kaplan Williams, its founder, has given hundreds of dream classes and groups to individuals both in the San Francisco Bay Area, and from around the world.

The Jungian-Senoi Dreamwork Manual

The history of the Jungian-Senoi Dreamwork Manual is interesting in itself. To our knowledge, it is the first comprehensive manual ever published on working with dreams, and is part of the new movement to make dreamwork readily accessible to people. Since its publication in 1980, the Manual has steadily increased in sales and gone through six printings. At the present time, we receive letters about its use as the basis for various dream groups and classes in the U.S. and other countries. It has received favorable comment from Robert Bly and Richard Alpert (Ram Dass), as well as various dream group leaders and practitioners. This manual is the first in a series for applying new forms of Jungian psychology to everyday life.

The Jungian-Senoi Institute

The Institute offers on-going dreamwork training and special Summer Intensives for those who live out of the area. In the Fall of 1984, Strephon Williams will be doing a dreamwork tour of Europe. The Manual will be published in German by a major Swiss publisher in the Fall of '83.

Strephon Williams