Are Dream Groups Really Useful?

I dreamt that most of my front teeth had fallen out. I held them in my hand and looked up into the mirror at my toothless mouth. Horrified beyond measure. it suddenly struck me, "Hold on! This might just be a dream."

"If it is a dream," I reasoned with myself, "then I can fly because in dreams I can fly." Whereupon, remembering how I had done it in previous dreams, I looked down at the floor and, sure enough. with some kind of intentional energy I caused myself to lift up off the floor. I flew right out of that nightmare into a wonderful odyssey of different dreams and adventures that seemed to last throughout the night. I awoke in the morning wonderfully refreshed, feeling I had visited another reality. I had had my first major lucid dream.

Ever since I read Patricia Garfield's Creative Dreaming years ago I had been trying unsuccessfully to dream lucidly. It happened a few nights after THE DREAM COMMUNITY OF NEW YORK had a preliminary meeting with Bill Surgio with regard to the lucid dream machine we are going to test out for him. This illustrates an interesting paradox of human nature. The individual functions at his creative best when part of a group. Individual dreamwork, which the best dreamwork must be, progresses most rapidly when one is working on a regular basis with a dream group. For this reason we have taken it upon ourselves to publicize existing dream groups as they come to our attention. If you know of any that are not listed below or if you are forming one yourself please let us know so we may include it in future issues of our newsletter.

Dream Groups 1

Dream Groups 1