Precognition: When Dreams Come True


Does precognition really exist? Do night time dreams really come true? Could these things possibly happen in my life? These were but some of the thoughts that occupied my mind in mid 1978. I had just attended my first dream lecture at Virginia Beach and had become fascinated by these possibilities. Soon I was keeping a daily dream joumal and wondering when these marvelous events would occur. Little did I realize that it would be several years before precognition appeared in my dreams on a regular basis.


My earliest precognitive dreams centered on my job activities and this trend has continued for many years. After making a career change to Atlanta, GA, I called a former work colleague in Richmond, VA to see if he would like a job. He said he would think it over and call me back. Two months went by and it appeared that he had forgotten our conversation. Then a dream gave me his answer in a loud clear message. I was standing in a railroad station. A train arrived and my friend got off with suitcase in hand. He looked around briefly and then got on another train headed in a different direction. I knew that my friend had made his decision and he never called.

In a very recent dream, my boss informed me about a $50 raise. At that time, in September, it was too early for a raise and the amount seemed very small. So I decided that it was going to be a 5% raise. In early December, when my annual raise arrived, it was actually 4.97%, so the dream had been highly accurate.


In mid 1988, a deceased aunt came into a dream. She stood and gazed into my right eye for a long time. Then she announced that my eye needed an enema. Three days later my right eye began to itch.

When I saw my doctor several days later he prescribed an antibiotic rinse solution for my eye. This was the cure that my dream messenger foretold.


Investment dreams have occurred quite frequently and have been very helpful. In mid 1985, I attended an investment seminar. The primary speaker was a woman who talked about investing in individual homes through the EPIC program. I took their literature home and fell asleep reading it. In a dream, another lady came to me and told me not to get involved with that program. Her advice came true a few months later when EPIC filed for bankruptcy. In September, 1987, another highly rewarding investment dream occurred. In this dream, I was riding on a train with my financial planner. We went into the dining car and loaded up on a lot of junk food. As the train came into the station, the conductor had everyone get off. When people started to get back on, the conductor got very angry and ordered them to leave. I called my financial planner who was in the dream and we decided it was time to get out of the stock market. This action was highly rewarded when the market crashed 508 points in one day a month later.


My most vivid dream with a specific timing date occurred in mid 1986. In that dream, I was standing in St. Louis looking to the east. A huge mushroom cloud appeared as though there had been a big explosion. I looked down at a newspaper and saw that the date was 9/26/86, which was five months into the future. Several months later, with the dream removed from my conscious mind, I made my first appointment for polarity massage therapy on that exact day. The first treatment was so sensationally wonderful and joyous that I continued them for many months. This was the big explosion that the dream forecasted months in advance.


My largest group of precognitive dreams center around close friends and relatives. In mid 1988, I dreamed about walking with an old college friend. It was dark and we became separated on the streets of town. He kept calling to me in the dark but we could not find each other. I arrived home late that night and found my telephone recorder lit up with five calls. My friend had driven through Atlanta that very evening and called me from various stops along Interstate 75. Unable to reach me, he drove on through Atlanta in the dark leaving his messages behind.

More recently, a niece announced that she was going to marry a young man in New York when she graduated from college in about twelve months. Her schedule for the next year was extremely busy and would allow her to spend only limited time with him, and I wondered if the engagement would last. Several months later she was visiting in New York for the first time and I dreamed of her. In the dream we walked down a street together. Then she left me and went to stand beside a young man who had only one leg. Then she left him and headed in another direction. Soon we learned that she was no longer engaged.


The precognitive content of my dreams has increased slowly over the past eleven years. Starting at 2-3% it has now increased to around 10%. In addition to this slow evolution, there have been three pronounced peaks of activity where precognitive dreams increase by 2-3 times for periods of several months. One of these peaks was associated with new events at work. The second occurred when a new special person entered my professional life. The third occurred during the time of a major career change. Close monitoring of dreams during such special periods appears to be highly rewarding.

Coincident with my interest in dreams, there began a significant change in lifestyle. Initially this centered on the routine practice of meditation and yoga exercises. In the past few years I have continued these disciplines and also used chiropractic adjustment, polarity massage, and reflexology on a regular basis. All of these experiences have been endorsed by one or more dreams. Whenever I strayed from my meditations for more than a couple of weeks, a dream would quickly get me started again.

Dream incubations can definitely produce precognitive dream messages. In one case, I had a pinched nerve in my shoulder and was ready to see my physician. Following a dream incubation, I was shown walking to the health spa and lifting 2-4 lb weights. Several days later the doctor sent me to a physical therapy clinic where one of the treatments was doing arm lifts with 24 lb weights. The dream helped me accept the treatment as being correct. In a second case, I was being pressured to make an investment decision. When I prayed for a dream I was shown that someone had purchased four large condo units for me. When I saw what had been done, I immediately sold two of the units. Since the dream was telling me to cut back, I only made a 50% investment. In a matter of weeks we sold out that reduced portion just in time to avoid a loss.

My precognitive dreams have not included any unusual feelings prior to dreaming. Upon awakening, however, there is typically a strong feeling of excitement following a precognitive dream. This has now become a well defined signal that a dream contains a message about the future.


The ultimate purpose of dream work is to apply the dream to real life. This concept is clearly stated in the Edgar Cayce readings as follows:

"... as these lessons as gained from (dreams) are applied in the daily life, there comes the more consciousness of the truths as are shown in same; for in doing there comes the understanding." (900-322)

Trusting the dream message enough to put it to work in actual life situations can also lead to greatly increased dream recall. This was vividly demonstrated in my life in 1985 when I trusted a series of dream messages and left the best job I ever had to make a career change with no other job offers in sight. Following this major application, my overall dream recall jumped by 130% and precognitive dreams reached one of their major peaks.


Eleven years have passed since that first dream conference in 1978. I now recall 2-3 dreams every night and my book shelf is lined with twenty dream journals containing over 3000 dreams. All of my early questions about dreams that come true have been answered in the affirmative. Now what will tonight's exciting messages about the future reveal?