My Mystical Experience About a Book on Dreams


In mid 1991, I had my first dream about a book in which Mark Thurston - a noted author of books on dreams - came to me as a dream symbol and told me to write a book on dreams. The dream also told me that the book would be written in three parts. I knew noting about book projects and struggled with developing a chapter outline, but this did not get far and my follow-up actions were quite limited. Then in 1992, I discovered and took an evening course at Emory University in Atlanta about How-To write a book proposal. I became highly excited and did a huge amount of research at Emory Library to help me write a book on dreams. But the pressures of work took over and I never did send in a proposal to an actual publisher. After leaving corporate America in August, 1994, I immediately had a very powerful dream about writing a book on dreams. So I dusted off my old notes from the Emory class, dashed off a book proposal and mailed it to a publisher of metaphysical books. It mentioned also of the one first books that I planned to write (Precognition - When Your Dreams Come True) and referred to two other possible books beyond that first one. Then I waited... waited... and waited.

Mystical Experience ~ Sept. 1994

After 30 days of waiting to hear from the publisher, I had a highly unusual experience at my home in Marietta, GA. I arose one morning, had breakfast as usual and then went to shower and shave. Just as I was finished shaving the following events transpired:

I am standing in from of the bathroom mirror when a small door or window (about a one inch in diameter) seemed to open in my head behind and slightly above my left ear. Some small, intelligent probe entered into my mind. A message was transferred from the probe into my memory. The message was as follows:

"It is OK for you to go ahead and write that first book on dreams. But you need to forget the other two books and write a book that deals with the totality of your experiences with dreams."

The probe withdrew, the window in my head closed and it was all over in about 60-90 seconds. I was left with and unforgettable and highly challenging task for the future.

Follow up Actions

The publisher rejected my original book twice. I struggled with the mystical message that I had received but could never wrap my head around that vast subject. I moved to Virginia Beach, attended Atlantic University and received a Masters Degree in Transpersonal Studies. My thesis was on dreams. Following that, I again attempted to do the book indicated in the message... but I still could not get it organized. In particular, I could never define how the book would be written in three sections as given in my original dream form in 1991. One man in Virginia Beach was extremely gung-ho about doing a book with me, exclusively on my stock market dreams. It was a fictional account of my life, highly exaggerated and totally focused on my stocks market dreams.

This book did not meet with any of my spiritual ideals. In addition, it did not even come close to what my mystical experience had shown/told me - and I ultimately rejected that book collaboration offer.

Spring of 2006

Suddenly in April, 2006, someone forwarded me an email invitation to attend a workshop about self publishing. I was highly intrigued, but was overburdened with the task of maintaining a web page for a local metaphysical group and attending many of their planning meetings. So I really did not have time to do a book. When I arrived home from the publication workshop, I found one message on my telephone recorder. The caller was responding to an ad I had placed on the metaphysical web page and volunteered to take over the web page responsibility for me. WOW! That opened the door! Now I could write my book.

Summer of 2006

Suddenly everything fell into place, and I soon had a chapter outline. I used a lot of material that I had originally written back in 1994. Also included significant portions from my thesis on dreams and several magazine articles I had published on dreams. I then finished the book with a long chapter on the eight-year history of my Precognitive Stock Market Dream Group. In the end, this book was not written in three parts, but was written in three different time periods. The first parts were done in Marietta, GA. in 1994. The second parts were done in Virginia Beach, VA. In 1998 - 2001. The third and concluding parts were then completed in Mesa, AZ in 2006. So now I have a book that I believe fulfils the message about doing a book that truly deals with the totally of my 28 years of working with dreams. I also trust it will add something of a positive nature to the literature on dreaming and the fascinating subject of precognition.