Notes from a Dreamer…on Dreaming: Book Review

Notes from a Dreamer on Dreaming

Notes from a Dreamer…on Dreaming, © 2010 Bobbie Ann Pimm

It always fascinates me to hear other people’s stories about their work with dreams and Bobbie’s is no exception. Notes from a Dreamer…on Dreaming is a personal journey in dream interpretation towards self discovery and healing through dreamwork.

Like many people, Bobbie has been in a process of self discovery for much of her life. Yet through all her years of personal development, there was something else that kept making itself known to her through her dreams, something that called for her attention which ultimately catapulted her into a deeper exploration of her own unconscious.

Notes from a Dreamer…on Dreaming reads like you’re having a very comfortable conversation with Bobbie about dreams and that personal feel makes for a very enjoyable and enlightening read. Bobbie uses many of her own dreams as examples to document her journey towards healing and also to share her style of dream interpretation giving the reader the sense that anyone can learn to interpret their own dreams.

Throughout her book, Bobbie shares many useful tips in working with your dreams, including things like dream recall techniques, keeping a dream journal, the creative influence in dreams, how to work with symbols, archetypes, people, colors, and how to take action on behalf of a dream. The book is decorated with Bobbie’s personal artwork and poetry making it visually engaging as well as engaging. She also shares many dream resources that readers can immediately access to get involved with by listing websites dedicated to the study of dreams.

Bobbie also includes a Symbol Dictionary with 76 common dream symbols to be used as a catalyst to get the reader started in working with their own imagery though not to be used as actual interpretations.

I deeply appreciated Bobbie’s passionate encouragement to readers to get to know their own dreams and imagery. Bobbie’s love of the dreamtime is apparent in every chapter of her book as she continually honors dreams for much of her personal growth and healing which may not have otherwise been accessed in the profound way that only dreams can provide.